I followed the guide to install mjpg-streamer at https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer
and installed motion with : apt-get install motion , verify that motion is working with browsing to IP:8080 and 8081
Mqtt Scripts
I made two bash scripts, one for mqtt switch on and one for off. This could probably be done smarter but it works.
mosquitto_pub -t /dev/hallwaymotion -m 0
mosquitto_pub -t /dev/hallwaymotion -m 1
In my case I run the mqtt server on the same server as motion. You might change the mosquitto command a bit.
Motion config file
The configfile for motion is located at /etc/motion/motion.conf
In my case I changed the added the following lines:
daemon on
netcam_keepalive on
webcontrol_localhost off
stream_localhost off
on_event_start /home/user/motion/mqttMotionOn.sh
on_event_end /home/user/motion/mqttMotionOff.sh
remember to remove any videodevice lines
platform: mqtt
state_topic: "/dev/hallwaymotion"
name: "kitchenpresence"
- platform: generic
name: kjokken
Note: I use the remote camera instead on the local motion stream because i want a better resolution in HomeAssistant than the one motion created