Saturday, 23 September 2017

Windows 10 Mqtt - New Features and source

After a few good days of working on this project I've made some big changes and released the full source. The source code are available at and the last installer download at

The documentation at will continue to work on this and add real life example and uses.

Some of the new features since the last blog post:

If you send a message like mosquitto_pub -t KJETILPC/app/running -m firefox it will reply with "KJETILPC/app/running/firefox -m 1" if running and -m 0 if it's not running.
Starting a application I've desired to add as a custom command instead of making a "open application" listener because of potential security problems.

Disk and battery sensors

Now it will be easy to monitor a Windows Nas :)

Selection of TTS Speaker

Not the most important thing but i would like a woman talking and not a man so I implemented a chooser instead of just using the default. Speaker as part of the MQTT string may be implemented in later versions.


Instead of computer power option, I've tested some ways to turn the monitor on and off. But haven't been able to find a solution to work on all computer, some work and some don't.
If you want to test just send a KJETILPC/monitor -m 0 to try to turn it off. I will continue to work on some better code.

I will continue to work on most of the features so don't forget to follow me on github :)


  1. hey @kjetil
    was wondering if theirs an update to the mqtt client it consumes way too much the cpu your previous versions barely did

    thank you

  2. Hello and thanks a lot for your project!!!
    I want to use this only for TTS, i have my HA server in a Windows 10 Host connected to a BT speaker.
    How can i install and use in HA?
    I windows just run the exe but in HA how can i do? which command and where i need to send to speak with windows?
    Thanks a Lot

  3. I have also zigbee2mqtt in my HA with Mosquitto Broker running on it.
